Sunday, 23 June 2013

My first year...

The students had their last day of school this week, and it has been a busy year...let me fill you in a bit...

I started the year off as a substitute teacher for a number of different private/charter schools. It was a great challenge working with a variety of students, as I was working with special needs, gifted, arts immersion, traditional learning and main stream students.

In February, I was hired on contract to do High School Art and work with a couple of special needs students. It has been a wonderful semester, and I have quite enjoyed the students that I have been able to work with.

For the fall, I will be facing a number of new challenges, continuing in my role teaching HS Art, and also adding middle school art as well. Additionally, I will be working with middle school students in technology studies and module learning as well as Career and Life Management, Communication Studies, and possibly Fashion Studies as well. Needless to say, it will be a busy summer preparing for all of the diverse courses I will be teaching. I am always looking for interesting ideas, and will be looking for inspiration in a variety of areas. :-)

Wish me luck!

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