Sunday 11 November 2012

A Frayer Model for Real Numbers

Here is a sample of something that I worked on to develop a better understanding of numbers. I had found a project to develop a numberline for real numbers, but was needing something a little more to help personalize my own understanding. So, I took a Frayer model for real numbers and developed the idea as a cover page in my visual journal for the actual numberline.

I found several resources for the numberline project...

I found that it was quite interesting to work on this project, developing thoughts about where numbers would fit and how to represent them. One of the most interesting moments was developing algebraic functions to represent numbers. In the past, I have not necessarily considered math as a creative process, but I am coming to realize that given the opportunity, students who are able to create and develop their ideas in many different ways are able to communicate those ideas more clearly.

I am developing more confidence in my mathematical abilities by creating visual representations of my learning. Another thing that I discovered was quite interesting when I started looking at the algebraic functions was that I did not have to limit myself to a single dimension on the numberline. Further investigation lead me to the Argand diagram, and the possible development of a dimensional number line. But that is a project for another day...:-)

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