Saturday 3 November 2012

Meaningful Substitution...

Ah, the joys of learning never end...especially if you are a teacher.

I have been fortunate to be signed on as a substitute teacher with a few different charter schools in my area, and am quite enjoying the experiences that these opportunities provide. Though I am still searching for a full time placement, it is wonderful to have experience in a variety of classrooms. :-)

Thus far, I have taught in both elementary and middle schools, from traditional classrooms to visual and dramatic arts programs to phys ed, and have enjoyed every single day. I find that the most challenging part of being a substitute is not that of behaviours, but that I want to ensure that I am supporting the students and teacher in a manner that is consistent with the classroom learning.

One concern that I have heard from regular classroom teachers is that they do not want to just have a class where the students and substitute are doing "made up" work. I agree wholeheartedly that as a substitute, I would like to know that the work that I am doing with the students is valuable. For my own personal growth, I do try to put a bit of my own ideas and style into the lessons. I love it when a teacher provides me with the lesson plan in advance, and there is that opportunity to become acquainted with the plan. One teacher provided me with the opportunity to plan an art project with her options class, while I brought in additional materials to enhance anther project students were working on in another class. It is taking those moments and opportunities, I think, that really helps the students to understand that the substitute is not just there to babysit them while the teacher is away.

As a substitute, it is important to challenge your boundaries and become comfortable in many different teaching environments. After all, you never know when opportunity may come knocking at your door...

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