Wednesday 29 January 2014

Just a few pictures of some student work...

Well, I will probably be trying to do a few posts this week, seeing as I have a lot of catching up to do. :-)

My students have been working hard this past semester, and it has been quite the challenge to keep up with everything. We have been focusing quite a bit on developing printmaking skills, and I have some pictures to share.

These are some samples of work from my grade 5/6 class for the printmaking unit. We discussed a number of aspects of printmaking, one of which was the aspect of tiling in Islamic Art. In this discussion, we talked a bit about radial symmetry and how you can use one design repeated multiple times to create a single image. I gave them a choice of creating one single image, or an image that they could "tile". These two students decided to create their tiles. As it is winter and we were using blue ink, we decided to create a winter themed motif. For those of you who are interested in printmaking, all we used were foam trays for the carving, though we did use actual printers ink for this part of the project, rather than acrylic paints. I prefer the printers' inks because they have more body, and we had better results than with acrylics. 

I have finished with printmaking with the younger grades this year, but will be doing more with my older students in the coming months. I am quite excited to see what they will be able to come up with.

I will be posting more from my other students, just as soon as I am able to get all of the images properly oriented for publishing... :-)

Keep the creativity alive! 

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