Saturday 13 September 2014

Busy Start to the School Year...

And so it begins!

We have been in school for a few weeks now, and my students have been hard at work.

This week, we have been working on the Beakerhead Challenge, Atomic #13- working with aluminum foil. The students were involved in a number of different projects, and the following is an image that shows the culmination of all of their efforts:

The theme of this piece was Aliens and Robots Visit Pompeii, and it was a collaboration from students in K-10.

I am teaching a few more subjects this semester as well, so middle school students have also been developing a story to go with this scene. We started a pass-on story, and this coming week, students will be working on their own body and ending for the story that we started as a group. I can hardly wait to see what they come up with!!

More to come in the coming weeks as we all get settled back into our routines.


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